Autumn Equinox 2017 Outline: (The link will take you to the complete ritual, including spoken text for each part of the ritual.) Playful leaf shadows danced over the altar as we explored polarity; opposing aspects of ourselves, and the shadows and light that influence our daily lives. We journeyed within, observing how we balance these aspects and were given an opportunity to choose areas we'd like to nudge in a new direction. This ritual includes a visualization, and an art activity. Facilitators cut circles out of foam board and divided it with a yin yang symbol. We used magazines to create a collage showing the two aspects.
Autumn Equinox 2016 Outline: (The link will take you to the complete ritual, including spoken text for each part of the ritual. Everything written can be found within the categories above or in the links below as well.) Our theme centered on what we wanted to keep or work on as we moved into the darkening days ahead, as well as what we wanted to release that no longer served us. We made "aprons" that had strips with the words of our intentions. That which we wanted to release was written on leaves which fell to the ground as we danced. We also created ritual brooms for sweeping away the energy we were releasing. The gathered leaves were then samba danced to the fire and burned. FUN!
Autumn Equinox 2015 Ritual-Lunar Eclipse-We were lucky enough to witness a full lunar eclipse as well as a "Blood or Hunter's Moon" for the ritual. Because of this rare, powerful opportunity, we focused the celebration on the eclipse, becoming one with our shadow and light selves. |
The moon is high above us, giving us light in the dark. She illuminates our world, our souls, and our minds. Like the ever-moving tides, she is constant yet changing. She moves the water with her cycles, and it nourishes us and brings life to all living things...
Fall Equinox 2013 Twilight Dinner Theater ritual-"An evening of finding balance between the Divine Bliss and life on Earth," through the performance of a Japanese creation tale, "The Story of Amaterasu." The story describes how she finds balance as well as why the seasons were created. We all came dressed in our Japanese attire. (Click on the links in blue to see the outline or the story.)
Mabon 2009 Ritual outline: This ritual focused on balancing our male and female energy by utilizing the myth of King Arthur and Gwenevere. The 12 knights of King Arthur represent the masculine qualities of Honor & Honesty, Loyalty, Nobility, Virtue, Grace, Truth, Courage, Courtesy, Gallantry, Authority, Service, and Humility. "The goal of King Arthur's quest is the divine marriage of the positive feminine energy and the positive masculine energy in each person. To achieve these goals we must complete tasks set before us..." Please click here link to the King Arthur legend. There is also a Healing Circle performed.
Autumn Equinox 2008 outline: This was a very relaxed, sweet ritual which was held in the park. There were 7 stations set up with the intention of reflecting and giving thanks. (10 min. at each.) At each station were activities as well as objects (representing the station's theme) to choose from. We gathered them into our baskets as we roamed from station to station. (See the outline.) We also carried with us a "legend" (paper with the station's theme). We wrote down any insights . When we gathered back together, we chose a mobile made from branches connected into a triangle, to add our objects to. They were beautiful. This is an introduction read during the ritual. I'm not sure when though.
Mabon-Autumn Equinox 2006 Ritual outline: This ritual includes a chakra ceremony as well as building and walking a labyrinth using stones.
Mabon/Autumn Equinox Ritual 2004: I've included this because the outline is in our ritual binder. However, since the activities aren't explained in the outline, it isn't very informative. The funny thing is, I participated in facilitating and don't remember it at all. Ah well, it was 12 years ago.
Autumn Equinox outline 2003 |
Link to 8 1/2 x 11 image of maze
Link to 8 1/2 x 11 image of triangle
Autumn Equinox 2001 outline: (Facilitators are Beth, Laurie, Shannon and Debby): This celebration asks these questions, "What does this time of year mean to you? What have you harvested that you wish to give thanks for? And what do you give back to the earth?" There is a meditation on Earth Healing (which is unfortunately absent from the outline). Also, we met in small groups to heal each other. The "Kore Chant" that is sung can be heard here.
Mabon/Autumn Equinox 1996: The themes are reflection and letting go. Holding a dried leaf, women follow a ribbon to "their spot" in the forest. As they walk they contemplate what they want to release from their life. When they reach "their spot", they have some time to meditate on, "In what way are you stronger as a result of the journey you have traveled this past year?"