I'm setting this up so that you can make your own lyric sheet for your ritual. Clicking on the word "Lyric" will take you to a page that you can copy and paste into your own compilation.
Listed alphabetically, the titles in blue are links to a You Tube rendition of the song. (If I could find one.) There may be ads at the beginning but you can click out of them. Some of the songs are also found in the celebration that supports the theme of the song.
Ancient Mother I Hear You Calling by Robert Gass / (Lyrics)
Autumn Time (a round) by Libana / (Lyrics)
Blessed Are We by Kellianna / (Lyrics)
Born of Water / Lyrics- a chant
By the Earth that is Her Body by Eliana Silver / (Lyrics)
Burn Bright Flame Within Me / Lyrics- Lyrics are a bit different in the You Tube song
Daughter of the Elements, by Lisa Thiel: (Lyrics) "Daughter of the elements, daughter of the rain..."
Fire Flow Free recorded on Renewal by Kiva by Ariana Lighteningstorm / Lyrics
Grandmother I See You (Calling in the 4 Directions) / (Lyrics)
Hal-an-tow (Cornish) / Lyrics: The Lyrics include a history of the song and is in Cornish (?) as well as English. The song welcomes in May. (The lyrics in the You Tube version are a bit different than the printed lyrics.)
I Am Sending You Light / Lyrics: "I am sending you light, to heal you, to hold you. I am sending you light to hold you in love."
I Will Be Your Standing Stone / Lyrics: "I will be your standing stone. I will stand by you."
May-Day / Lyrics I couldn't find the tune on You Tube.
May Songs (A German Folk Song) / Lyrics - I couldn't find the tune on You Tube
May Time (Polish Folk Time) / Lyrics- I couldn't find the tune on You Tube.
Isis Astarte Diana Hecate Demeter Kali Inanna / (The words in the title are the complete lyrics)
I See the Light - (Lyrics) I couldn't find the tune on You Tube.
Lady Spin / Lady spin your circle bright / Weave your web of dark and light / Earth, Air Fire and Water / Bind us as one.
Oh Mother God by Karen Drucker / Lyrics
Return Again by Shaina Noll (Lyrics to the full song.) "Return again, return again, Return to the land of your soul..."
Round and Round the Earth is Turning / Lyrics: "Round and round the earth is turning, turning always round to morning and from morning round to night." It's a round.
Santa Lucia -Sung in Swedish with a beautiful procession of women with candles. The words below do not seem to match up with the translations I found on the internet. Perhaps these words go to a different song. I really don't know, but the procession above is beautiful. Here are the words that were in our binder. Click below to get the full text that we have. / (Lyrics) Santa Lucia, the light is glowing...
Spiraling Into the Center by Flight of the Hawk / Lyrics
Thank You For Your Loving Hands / Lyrics (I couldn't find a You Tube rendition)
The Maypole Song / Lyrics: (Not on You Tube)
The May Queen by Marchette Gaylord Chute / Lyrics (Not on You Tube)
We are Calling (Lyrics) Used to call in energy, the first words can be changed...Goddess, Fire, Earth, etc. I couldn't find an example on You Tube.
Where I sit is Holy / Lyrics by Shaina Noll
Wichitai Tai / Lyrics: The lyrics in the You Tube renditions I found are different than those on the song sheet attached. However, it's a really fun song. In addition, I put a link to a German school singing it, which was just delightful. There was also an amazing Native American dancer using the song available on You Tube (not included because I enjoyed the kids singing so much). The words mean, "Water spirits are running round my head. I'm so glad I'm alive!"