Sensuality / Budding Sexuality / Love / Fertility
Also called May Day, it is the mid point between Vernal Equinox and Summer Solstice.
Also called May Day, it is the mid point between Vernal Equinox and Summer Solstice.
2018 Beltane Ritual Outline: The intention of this ritual was to give each woman an opportunity to reflect deeply on the patterns, choices and higher purpose for the gift of life they have been blessed with. Seven stations were set up, each asking multiple questions about different aspects of their lives. I've listed a sampling of the questions to give you an idea. Click on the link above to see all the questions. If there is an image, click on it to enlarge it.
Wonder Woman Station: "What are you most proud of? What are the best qualities you've displayed in your life?
Reflection Room: Removing their clothes in a private room, women were asked to reflect on whether they are content with their stewardship of their physical form. "Is your spirit prompting you in any way to adjust how you care for it?" Also in this room, they prepared to meet the goddesses by clarifying their primary purpose or intention for their life.
Beltane Ritual Outline 2017: Graced with a warm spring day, we enjoyed a day of beauty, sharing and dancing in Joy's fabulous house and gardens. The day began with hand or neck massages and connecting with a partner. Then we made ourselves gorgeous by adding flowers to a braided head/hat wreath. Next, sheltered under canopy and umbrellas, the circle was opened by calling in the directions. Then we were led in a visualization during which we received a gift that would help us move through any blocks we may have to loving fully. We wrote what we wanted to release on a piece of specially made tissue paper. Forming it into a wish lantern, we lit it on fire and watched as it floated up into the air. Regathering into our circle, we were gifted time for deep sharing. (Following each woman's sharing we all responded with, the Rumi poem, "Wherever you are, whatever you do, be in love." And then, gathered around the May pole, we consummated the sacred marriage, shaft into Earth mother, and we danced and sang, weaving beautiful ribbons around the pole. Then of course, we feasted magnificently!
Beltane Ritual Outline 2016: This beautiful ritual included creating a personal flower mandala, walking a labryinth and bringing into awareness the beauty of the journey we each walk. There are many wonderful poems, and visualizations. The outliine includes all the text shared in the ritual.
Beltane Ritual Outline 2015: The setting for this ritual was a ranch. The facilitators incorporated two beautiful horses into the celebration. The theme was tapping in to the young vibrant energy of the pubescent maiden. It included: Calling in the Directions, playing on the horse's obstacle course, a visualization and then journnaling about obstacles we encountered during puberty and how they effect us today. The two poems read were: "Bare Back Rider" by Jamie McKensie and The Centaur Poem by May Swenson. The songs were: You Are the Light by Karen Drucker (I couldn't find that one.), "Woman Am I" -(Lyrics)
Beltane Ritual Outline 2012- Activities included: the story, "The Mother's Place", Exploration/activities engaging the 5 senses, planting the maypole and the ribbon dance; culminating in lighting the fire.
2008 Beltane Ritual Outline: I loved this outdoor ritual. We each walked away with our own Maypole that we had created in intimate groups of 4. I couldn't believe it worked so well! The outline explains how to do it.
Annointing Oil for Beltane: 1/2 cup Apricot Oil (cold pressed) / 15 whole cloves (essential oils) / 2 mil. myrrh / 1 mil. lemon oil / 1/2 mil. sandalwood / (Start with 2 drops. Go up to 4 to your taste.)