Untitled Poem by Ann Ness : "Looking backward o'er life's pathway / In memory I see / Rugged rocks and canyons.../ Were they placed there just for me?..." (Becky's relative wrote this.)
“Victory” by Luke Anderson: "What do you want more than anything, deep in the heart of your being? What do you want? If you surveyed your time on this earth from a deathbed, what would really matter to you? What are the memories that would engender the peace of nothing essential left undone-a life well lived? Never forget what is most important to you..."
"Spring" by Andrea Dietrich: "Let laughter ring, for here comes Spring./ With warbling birds we gaily sing. / As wizened Winter turns and goes, / March promptly puffs her cheeks and blows!..."
"Jailbreak", by Maya Spector: A vibrant poem that shouts out, "Stop holding back the blossoming!"
The Centaur Poem by May Swenson (from 2015 ritual)
The Mother's Place by Tami Lynn Kent from Wild Women (Used during our 2012 ritual): This activity/story includes a visual explanation of how everthing connects to that which came before, specifically our heritage from our female line of descent, and then, how one creationion leads to the next. It uses 5 bowls that nestle together. I really loved it.
I AM AN EMOTIONAL CREATURE by Eve Ensler: "I love being a girl./ I can feel what you’re feeling/ as you’re feeling it inside/ the feeling/ before..." What a wonderful poem. It celebrates the emotions we tap in to, we girls.