2018 Summer Solstice Altar
Summer Solstice 2017 (@ Doug Wylie's property) (Facilitators: Anne, Sandee, Judy, LeeAnn) : One hot, summer day...a group of lovely women transformed into...quite handsome men. Or at least they took on aspects of a manly visage, hair, scent, muscles, and yes, we made penises and discovered what it was like to carry around, (inside our shorts!) "a package". Wasn't that a kick in the pants? "Walk like a man...Talk like a man...". We had sword fights too. We also traveled via a visualization to a sacred circle of chanting men to receive gifts and knowledge. It was really an unusual, fun, enlightening experience. All this with the sounds of the creek, and feel of the creek, embracing us.
Summer Solstice 2015 (@ Becky's house): I'm afraid I don't have many pictures of this wonderful celebration. There were 4 stations, Earth, Air, Fire and Water with sweet rituals and activities at each. Becky led a water station during which we were supported-floating in a pool, by the other women in our group while they sang to us. Ellie led us through a visualization for the air station. The other 2 stations you can see in the slide show.