Lucina-Winter Solstice
...And She births the spirit within us, bringing light and hope to us all…
This is the time of the Maiden’s spiritual birth. Having undergone death and separation from the upper world, she has met with the Crone and learned the mysteries of Immortality, Manifestation, and Dissolution...
...And She births the spirit within us, bringing light and hope to us all…
This is the time of the Maiden’s spiritual birth. Having undergone death and separation from the upper world, she has met with the Crone and learned the mysteries of Immortality, Manifestation, and Dissolution...
Seasons of Light and Darkness: Entering Winter's Dark Season
by Barbara Ardinger, illustrations by Lauren Foster-MacLeod
The universe is holographic; therefore, each of us is a little universe. Just as the cycles of the seasons dance on cosmic levels, so do they dance in our personal lives...
by Barbara Ardinger, illustrations by Lauren Foster-MacLeod
The universe is holographic; therefore, each of us is a little universe. Just as the cycles of the seasons dance on cosmic levels, so do they dance in our personal lives...
Celebrations for different dates in December: (For example: 12/9 is the Feast of Tonantzin (Mexican)...)
Rituals of Celebration by Jane Meredith (I think): This article begins with quite a bit of history. In the middle there is an activity in which you wrap in a blanket and Frau Holle is invoked into your circle. She sings to you and you sleep, become an animal, wake, are reborn and transformed.
Yule-A Ritual of Rebirth: This is a complete ritual. Women are reborn as they enter the "birth canal". Facilitators are at the door holding hands with arms raised to make an arch. "As each woman enters, the women at the door lower their arms around her and say: "From woman you were born into this world; from women you are born into this circle. Blessed be". As they enter they also raise their arms to make a lengthening chain of women welcomers"...
Mid-Winter Solstice (December 21): One of the original articles put in the binder. It includes general information on Winter Solstice as well as the antiphonal chant we often use, "What is this night?..."
Children of the Goddess-Winter '96: The article discusses the challenges children face when first learning about the diverse belief systems they may encounter. It ends with their solution with their 3 year old child.
The Wheel of the Year - Yule: From the Spiral Dance by Starhawk: This is a ritual for both women and men. It's theme is rebirth.
A Circle is Cast by Gretchen Faulk, (Invocations for Winter Solstice form Sage woman Magazine): 2 different Calling in of the Directions.
Yemaya Our Ocean Mother by Diana Paxson: This is an extensive article (9 pages) on Yemaya. It includes art work, a history and different ways to work with her.